Who We Are

Digital Record is a human-centered digital media planning and buying service built specifically for use by ad agencies, media firms and publishers. By human-centered, we mean that we use the latest technology available, but with a real human touch. Only people can solve problems, truly understand a situation, and provide you the best digital media plans possible—aided by the best technology and data available.

We come from the agency side of the business, so we know what agencies and media buyers need and the challenges you face. We also work with thousands of publishers and media firms throughout the country, and understand your need to expand your offerings to grow revenue and compete. 

Who Digital Record is
Who Digital Record Works With

Who We Work With

We help advertising agencies, media buyers, media firms and publishers plan and purchase digital media as a white labeled buying center. We become your digital media department or an extension of your staff, providing the latest digital media solutions available for your sales or management team to provide to your clients. Programmatic, geo-targeting, mobile ID targeting, site-direct, social advertising, search engine marketing, digital audio – we can help you with any or all of these categories.

How We Work

It’s simple – you come to us with a goal, we provide you digital solutions.

We are a Digital Services Provider, meaning we have access to most types of digital media: OTT video, pre-roll video, mobile device ID targeting, geo-fencing, contextual, behavioral, keyword and retargeting, among others.

We also offer social advertising (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, Linkedin), search engine marketing (Google, BING, Yahoo) and online radio (Pandora, Spotify, podcasts). Whether you’re an agency, media buyer, radio station, newspaper or other media company, we can handle most of your digital media needs, helping you to provide your own digital marketing services

How Digital Record Works

Let’s Get Started

    Why Digital Record?

    We were built from the agency environment. We know the pitfalls of working with outside digital media firms, so we created a firm to avoid those challenges. A few advantages include:

    National Buying Power with Digital Record

    National Buying Power

    You can tap into a vast amount of digital media choices, with national buying power, regardless of the size of your buy.

    Beyond Programmatic Digital Media Icon

    Beyond Programmatic

    In additional to programmatic digital media, we also provide social, SEM and digital audio advertising.

    Instant Access to Digital Record

    Direct Access

    We can work with you directly, or with your media buyer or ad agency.

    Digital Record is Transparent


    You see the sites you run on. We don’t hide sites in our reporting.

    White and Black Listing Icon

    White & Black Listing

    We despise click bait and junk web sites. So we don’t buy them.

    Digital Record doesn't have a hidden agenda

    No Hidden Agenda

    We are media and site agnostic. We do not own any advertising web sites nor have deals with networks.

    Digital Record works with all size companies

    Customers of Any Size

    We provide our services to large and small customers, allowing you to scale down to a local area, providing the national-level tactics you need for local clients.

    Digital Record Offers Low Minimum Purchases

    Low Minimum Purchases

    Allowing you to buy multiple forms of digital media while staying on-budget.

    Digital Record Affordable Rates

    Affordable Rates

    Our rates are very affordable, so you can earn revenue above your costs for third-party media, without over-charging or over-paying.

    Ready to get started?