Ad Agencies & Media Buyers

We know the pitfalls of working with third-party digital media firms, so we created a firm to avoid those challenges.

We’ve got your back

Digital Record was born out of the agency world, so we know how difficult purchasing digital media can be. Opportunities evolve every day, and some digital options are hard to find on a local basis and on a budget. We solve these problems for agencies and media buyers of all sizes. We can be your digital media department—without minimum spends, long-term contracts and exorbitant commissions—providing you the digital buying services you need.

Digital Record has your back
How Digital Record Works

How we work

Digital Record acts much like your own in-house DSP. You will work directly with one of our representatives, either sending orders for the specific media you want, or working with us to build strategic digital solutions for your clients’ needs. There are no service charges for our consultation time. Our compensation is rolled into your CPM costs. We can handle all your digital advertising needs – programmatic, geo-targeting, social advertising, search engine marketing, online radio – or just the pieces you need.

Why Digital Record?

Specialization Icon


We understand the needs of advertising agencies andmedia buyers.

National Buying Power with Digital Record

National Buying Power

Tap into a vast amount of digital media choices regardless of the size of your buy or target area.

Social, SEM & Audio Icon

Social, SEM & Audio

In addition to programmatic digital media, we also provide social, SEM, and digital audio advertising.

White Label Service Icon

White Label Service

Receive white labeled invoices and reports or reports branded with your firm’s identity. We can be a vocal or silent partner.

Billing Icon

Gross Billing & Reporting

Your commissions and fees are included on your invoices. Your reports also include gross numbers so you can accurately provide CTRs, KPIs, or other metrics that include your fees.

Digital Record is Transparent


You see the list of websites that your advertising runs on. We don’t hide websites in our reporting. Know exactly where you’re running and what you’re paying for.

White and Black Listing Icon

Whitelisting & Blacklisting

We despise click bait and junk websites, so we don’t buy them.

Digital Record Offers Low Minimum Purchases

Low Minimum Purchases

With low minimum required spends, you can buy multiple forms of digital media within your clients’ budgets.

Digital Record Affordable Rates

Affordable Rates

Our rates are very affordable, so you can earn revenue above your costs for third-party media without over-charging your clients.

How We Invoice

We will send you a monthly invoice, in advance. Payments are to be made via credit card, or CIA by check. You receive reports showing all media placements and costs.


Digital Record can be hired to produce creative for you, but also can just provide you with specs. Ads are due 1-week before air dates. Ask your Digital Record representative if you need help with creative. Our team can provide graphic, audio and video creative.


We offer a comprehensive reporting program providing you a deep-dive into your analytics and performance of your campaigns. You can log in to our client portal to see how things are working, whenever you need that information. The system is called TapClicks. It allows you to customize your reporting and views to see and report the information you need, on-demand.

Ready to get started?